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The Empire's Battle universe is dangerous and unpredictable. You will need to fight to survive, and it is worth knowing your enemies as well as possible to be ready for any attack!

Razor Blade

Razor Blade

Razor Blade is the most common enemy in Empire's Battle. These little robots feature a simple design and do not require a lot of resources, which is why the Techno Empire makes thousands of these models every day.

However, you should not be deceived by their small size and not scary appearance. These little ones are cold-blooded killers with minor intelligence and razor-sharp spiked blades used to attack whatever they are told to.


  • Health – 10

  • Attack – 5 points of damage

  • Gets destroyed when colliding with a character

  • Death effect – nothing



Acids are as numerous as their previous model Razor Blade, but more deadly, dangerous, and tenacious. A mixture of acids boils in their flasks, which easily corrode almost any material. Don’t let them close to you.


  • Health – 10

  • Attack – 10 points of damage. It casts the Chemical Burn debuff, which for 2 seconds increases attack reload duration by 0.3 seconds.

  • Doesn’t get destroyed when colliding with the character, kicks off and attacks again.

  • Death effect – it explodes and applies the Metal Erosion debuff to all other enemies on the screen, slowing them down by 20% for 2 seconds.



General is a big, intelligent, prudent, and very dangerous enemy. These robots are self-learning and can easily lead whole armies.

They are the elite and personal cavalry of Argo the Immortal. Few will be able to resist General in a one-on-one fight. His steam launchers destroy all living things in their path.


  • Health – 50

  • Attack – 15 points of damage

  • It doesn’t get destroyed when colliding with the character and attacks again

  • Death effect – it explodes, causing 10 points of damage to all other mobs

💡 The robots represented in the Whitepaper are from the release set. As the game develops, we will introduce new enemies with unique attacks and weapons.

Last updated